Event Series Shabbat


Congregation Tifereth Israel 40 Hill Street, Glen Cove, NY, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Siddur Sim Shalom Shabbat & Musaf

Udell First Born “Breakfast” Siyyum

Congregation Tifereth Israel 40 Hill Street, Glen Cove, NY, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Sim Shalom Siddur Also, please mark in for March 30 between 7:15 - 9:30...Udell "First Born" Breakfast...That should be marked from 7:15 - 9:30 am on the morning of the […]

Passover – Yizkor Services

Congregation Tifereth Israel 40 Hill Street, Glen Cove, NY, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Erev Shauvot

Congregation Tifereth Israel 40 Hill Street, Glen Cove, NY, United States

Light Holiday Candles at 8:03 pm